Tiberghien economics’ mission is to inspire people in business, seeking to bring them professional and personal happiness & comfort- pursuing growth opportunities & solving complex economic issues in the fields of transfer pricing and valuations, as well as innovation and business modeling.
In order to establish Consent with your stakeholders, we make available:
:: our people’s Competencies,
a senior team of seasoned professionals;
:: our organization's Capabilities,
consulting with an opinion based on a pre-eminent
approach and proven track record; and
:: our community's Capacity,
working seamlessly together in multidisciplinary teams
and with global reach.
Tiberghien economics exists to connect the dots... in order for our clients to stand out.
We put our courage, creativity and connectivity to work for rapidly discovering the most salient features of a viable solution, however keeping sight of the big picture. We display our commitment to strive for the most optimal result achievable for the business whilst being sensitive to fulfilling the personal aspiration of its people, through genuinely listening to the various stakeholders.